Monday, August 28, 2006

RE: Ummmmm...


haha you beat me to it again. I was really going to email u today lor, then you emailed first. haiyo. Tim is so slow.

Busy busy busy. Kicking up the studying machine already, but I'm getting tired everyday, studying in bed is the worst studying method and I fall asleep more than half the time and wake up the next day extremely disappointed. QT's been ok, but it's become much tougher with the additional stress of having to study for the exams.

Apparently Carol Low fell and she won't be around for a few weeks...hopefully we'll pray for her. Btw. Loo should be coming back soon. LimChiouYan will be most relieved.

And i realise how fast time is passing. Life is so fleeting you know. Friendships are so short-lived. Pretty soon we'll both be in IB, a totally new experience, exciting yet saddening at the same time. We'll probably all miss each other really lots. But you know what, God always reminds me that one day when we're in heaven, we can enjoy both fellowship with Him, and fellowship with friends and family, for Eternity! That's a great hope to look forward to. Someone asked before, what's the need for friends in heaven if God Himself is the best fellowship we could ever have...well maybe we shld think about this haha. But I think life would be so different without frens. They are the means by which God reaches out to us.

Secret sins. Haiz. I guess one day I'll tell you. And shock you. And probably no one would look at me in the same light again. Tim, the guai guai guy, is not as guai as most people perceive. I've been struggling for what seemed like forever. God has liberated me. But sin still clings on stubbornly and occasionally I slip again. But no worries ding, God will see us through all our struggles as long as we turn to Him.

That love for the old lady. Love, it is so touching, it is so warm, and the feeling of being close to love is so wonderful and inexpressible isn't it? Yet imagine, if humans can offer such love, how much greater is the Love of God above! Many times greater! O how high and how wide, how deep and how great is our Father's love for us. Just thinking about it causes an overwhelming joy to well up within me. Knowing that we are loved brings us such joy and meaning to life. And let's seek to love others as well.

Btw...praise God, for Alex the Lua has agreed to start going to church.

sigh..not much time...will email you again soon :D

Tim the guai

LimClanStrummer blogged at 5:18 AM


So I finally get down to writing what happened on what seemed to be a very
busy weekend on both sides of the globe. Ok I know its Thursday already but
bear with me.

On that saturday, I went to MIT for the last time. Finally brought home the
"guitar", with mandolin strings (that means 4). Its quite basic and I've
been wrecking different parts of it for no real reason... at least i can say
its manufactured by me (mostly).

Then on Sunday we visit my parent's medical school classmate and her husband
and they bring us to her husband's fathers place. Which was interesting. In
the living/ dining room there was a hospital bed with an elderly lady named
Mary Lou on it. She was (is) the second wife (the first one passed away
decades ago) of my parents' classmate's husband's father. I think she has
some sort of dementia, cos can you just imagine her lying on the bed with
her mouth agape, not very conscious of her surroundings at all. It was a
weekly family gathering (and you thought only some chinese do that). Anyway
later we sang "for she's a jolly good fellow" to her and she responded by
singing and clapping along. I know I haven't described it very well but I
was quite touched by their love for the old lady.

So back to the secret sins thing... erm I havent read our blog too closely
to figure out anything (not that I really want to). So umm, as for me I'm
trying to steer away from it.

Si Yan

LimClanStrummer blogged at 5:17 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

Friday, August 18, 2006

HiHi Again


Haha...sometimes it's good to just reflect and think back on life ya? and it's great just to think and think and dwell in the thought of God's great love for us. I'm sure it's not by coincidence that you met that family in the park that day...God probably wanted to provide you all a time of fun and relaxation :D It's true...we may not realise it sometimes...but God's always there showering His blessings upon us! Don't know if you're that kind of nature loving person...but it's great sometimes to sit in the midst of the breeze and you just get that feeling that God is present...that He is so real around us! probably received your homework by now? news. you owned for EOS lah...21/25, was like second highest in class or something...everyone was like...wah Ding not here still so pro or sth liddat. Sides that...I think I'll leave fab the honor of updating you with interesting school stuff. As for me...i forget all this stuff too easily, and I'm not v.interesting as i'll save you the boredom.

Being overseas...a great experience, is when you appreciate yourself most for being Singaporean.
A Faith without questions is a questionable faith (for those times you doubt)

haha...just two random quotes from Mr Charles Ng. Who incidentally visited me tonight, and we had a short chat, chatted about BB and the life in BB so far, and on how things have really moved on so fast in the last month. And i was telling him about you lor...and fab...when he asked who were my closest friends. It's a real pity you're not here to see the encouraging changes in BB...but hopefully through my telling you of the'll really be an encouragement to you as well as a joy to you :D. Many things are happening now... ROD worship was touching to many i must say...thank God. Sec1 REW followup...we're seeking to make an impact in the Sec1s lives. Things are all looking up, and God is working so obviously around us...hopefully it's the same for you over there! When you come back, do continue to share in this joy that we all feel! One in spirit, One in Christ!

Haha..Daniel Yew got mad with us today...for playing with ChongWee's 'pokeball'. I'll go not further...but when he scolds you know something is really wrong with the class. I'll give an update of the Amath syllabus: Relative velocity, Binomial Theorum, Application of Differentiation in Kinematics....remember any help needed for hwk I'll be there for you!

Holiday tomorrow...hopefully i can come on and speak to you or something...really starting to miss ya again! Holiday came after a 15-10 win over RI (ya...not the saints this time)...which we didn't get the watch the match..but instead were forced to stay in school till 1740 for lessons...silly silly mistake. We were half dead by the end of the day. So...finals in 6 weeks..Tim HAS started mugging as usual :D Let's pray for each other.

That said...hope to hear from you about your Christian walk :D Just realised that you left that Mr Ng Book with me in the locker..thanks. Um...any prayer requests? My God Bless you again and again ever so richly Ding! With grace, love, tender mercy, Joy!

Tim :D

LimClanStrummer blogged at 6:09 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

(No Subject) 15/8

Um so to follow up the cut convo....

Well some things actually happened. We went to check out a clarinet teacher
for my sis who lives in a neighbouring neighbourhood (abt 1/2 h away). As
usual we brought our football in case of you know what and it was well
utilised as the clarinet teacher pointed out a park at the top of a hill 10
mins uphill walk. When we got to the top we found a great view of Boston
city as well as a large park, with among other equipment a pair of
goalposts. As we reached there another family of 3 also got there and after
about 15 mins of kicking around we had a game (my bro, dad + me vs father,
son, daughter). The gme was fun but as my dad observevd the other father
really looked shacked after the game and felt sorry for me. I sort of got
what he meant in the sense that that guy looke like those prospective heart
attack type, he was heaving hard after running a lot, and it woud be really
bad if his health suffered just because of a game of soccer.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Si Yan

LimClanStrummer blogged at 8:32 AM

(No Subject)..b4 RE:Thursday


Yeah I kind of figured out that ROD would cause a massive hangover for you,
and finishing the camp also one for me (you know the last night sleep late
thing). I'll continue to pray for you, yeah. For me, its more of being too
comfortable to let go of what I have.

Like yesterday, we went whale watching and saw those humpbacked monsters
diving around and doing the tail thing, just thinking about the fultility in
most things I've been doing, even things I like doing (the ecclesiastes

So anyway, thats all I have to say for the while...

Si Yan

LimClanStrummer blogged at 8:32 AM

RE: Thursday


The Ecclesiastes feeling...hmm, kinda like that of feeling that life is meaningless, pointlessness in everything that we do. I couldn't agree less sometimes, let's have a go shall we?

1) Homework/School Stuff: A degree, a job, what's the point isn't it. We all die one day, we don't take our possessions with us when we go. Money, property all this is meaningless, we cannot find satisfaction in assets. Homework is pointless, why learn all this stuff about differentiation, integration, electromagnetic induction, all this is meaningless, they have no eternal value.

2) Soccer/Hobbies: It's fun! So what? for now it's fun, all fun has to come to an end one day. Enjoyment and pleasures are transient, they come and go, and we'll never find satisfaction there.

3) Wisdom/Knowledge: Again, we can only pursue more and more, an insatiable appetite, a vacuum that can never be fully filled.

I'm sure you could name a lot more. And I'm equally sure you've heard before that the answer to all these 'meaninglessness' lies with God and with Jesus. Jesus is the living bread and water, we that fellowship with Him will never grow thirsty, nor will we grow hungry. We can look to Him for satisfaction. In fact, there is a God-shaped vacuum in every one of us that longs to be filled by God, I think as long as we have God in our hearts, inwardly, we can always find meaning in things that we do.

Let's say, watching humpback whales, sitting back, lying back and watching nature at work, nature's magnificence. Doesn't this already lead you to think of something? That's right! God's magnificence, you know...the reason why God made the world so beautiful was to draw men to Him through creation, it was to reveal to us a very very small portion of his beauty. I've always dreamt of being where you are, of whale-watching, of looking at the wonders of nature. Still remember a time when I was in America, in the embrace of Yosemite valley, surrounded by the surpassing beauty of snow-capped mountains, it was so surreal, it was so beautiful...and my mine went to God. "Who am I that you are mindful of me"....Oh...nature is there to make us feel so small and to appreciate that love that the Father has for us!

Next time you feel meaningless...look to God...ask Him to reveal some sort of meaning to you...I'm sure He will!

LimClanStrummer blogged at 8:31 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

Friday, August 11, 2006

RE: Wednesday

Hey ding

sorry sorry i tao you unknowingly...sigh...must be more careful with this next time. Was on busy so i didn't get time will be on a closer watch from 1130 onwards. Hope you didn't get too disappointed k?

haha some people are tough to tolerate huh? and the huggles and 'i love you' thing must get on your doesn't it remind you of doggy little me? But anyway, ya, just bear with people and maybe you'll get to see their better half one day. Enjoy what little time you have left (though you're probably yearning for it to end), just make sure when you come out of this short camp, that something was accomplished. Actually i was wondering, during the camp, when do you do your QT and stuff? and do others actually see you doing it...and...possibly even say things about you? If such things happen, just wanna encourage to keep the faith and keep running strongly toward God no matter what k? Just keep going, God is beside and so are all of your good buddies :D

hmm...about fifa soccer...haha i was nvr too good at computer games as well....worse at the real thing...whenever you think your soccer is lousy, think of Mr Azmi and stop self deprecating...think of tim and start laughing at how you ole him and do your trix past him, think of kenny playing against the wall and laugh, think of fab's emo moments, think of arjun's specs getting knocked off, think of derek's splutz power, think of the times in sch when you were soooo pro...and you won't feel sad no more :D don't wry we'll see each other soon k?

Your homework's coming yes...ahahaah...try to get everything to you lah...needs any help i'll be here k?

Anyway, today was Admin Standby, or otherwise, clean the whole room day...haha we refurbished the whole room, now the common area is smaller, the admin room is bigger, the band room is bigger and there's even a CE corner with all the instruments set up and ready for playing in a band :D. Mr Ng's food supplies have been gorged up (for free hah!) and even the fridge was moved to a new spot and stuff. We scrubbed the floor, did stupid things like clean the floor then step on it again, or mop already then mop again when it's drying...ahaha. Unfortunately, we lost the BB open ball..aiyah!

ROD parade's real close, if there's anything you could pray for would be that the worship would be God-filled, and filled with his presence and spirit, that everyone present would be touched in the heart...not by me, not by emil, not by the music, but by God. Will continue praying for you as well, that you will stay strong in the midst of not-so-good company, and that God will continue to provide you with opportunities to bless others and also to be blessed!

God Bless
gtg now...Tim :D

LimClanStrummer blogged at 8:21 AM


Hey Tim,

You did it again, but nevermind lar I understand. And my roommate is not
doggish like you. not at all. and no one sees me do qt cos no one really is
awake at 8am. This is short.

(The continuation).

There are nice people here and not so nice people. It just happens that the
epitome of the latter is my roommate. He calls me a fucking idiot for not
playing winning eleven. When we play Fifa, he gloats over me at every
opportunity. ok he does that to everyone, but especially me. I can't really
stand him and I'm just trying to cool off right now. So in a sense, although
I probably will miss this place, there isn't really much to miss.

One thing I realise is that I can't really resist the urge to prove myself.
To prove that I'm good at soccer (he was taunting me for letting in a goal
from past the halfway line. ok, first it was past the halfway line and
secondly it went in the top left corner but he still thinks i'm rubbish). So
what I'm getting at is that I haven't really fully broken free from trying
to prove myself, which is why I still have this wedge between him and me.
I'll never be able to prove I'm better at soccer or ok at fifa to him cos he
will never see that, and if I try to say something about it, its just going
to make me angrier and provoke him to making me feel worse (it happens all
the time). So in short, I should try to keep away from him. I think.

I managed to weasel my way out of doing the final presentations for both
classes. In creative it was more of a choice, so I obviously said no while
in persuavive, I had to persuade them not to use my pieces, and I think the
teacher wasnt too happy with that. I mean I can understand its my fault, as
I should have told her earlier so she could choose other people's work
instead, so I apologised to her.

Meanwhile, I've no idea what I'm gonna do now cos it looks like I'm not
going back to that room for a while, so maybe I'll start packing up? I just
get this feeling I messed up this whole thing, like yes I learnt new stuff
but I could have done so much more. And don't worry about the roommate
thing. I'm not sad or angry or having any emotion you think I may be having.
So don't worry.

Si Yan

LimClanStrummer blogged at 7:33 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Hey Tim,

I tried to talk to you at 1230, but nooo, someone didn't reply. The soccer
thing is just sad. I mean some people say I'm playing well when I'm
obviously not. Like today we played again and I was either defender or
goalie. I guess i'm fine with that, seeing the others were as good if not
better than me so yeah. I made one nice save, like jumpedfull stretch thing
but that was a slow ball. Then I let one from behind the half way line in
(like I didnt even bother to try to save that one) and one from the near
post (my fault on that).

The toothpaste thing might be Ze monster, except no one does that for 4 out
of 7 nights, and I'm the one cleaning up all the hardened toothpaste (you
wanna try?). At least my teacher didn't take the leprechaun thing seriously.
Today I quickly wrote a "college application essay" and the two most
outspoken people in class read it and said it was good. As I said before,
you would own me, so would Daryl, Arj and Fab at this sort of thing. When I
get to a comp which can actually download word documents, I'll send them to

Thanks for collecting my hw, I'll get back just in time to start doing...

Ok, the thing with my roommate is that he completely doesnt care about what
I feel, like the night stuff, and when playing soccer or fifa when I screw
up he will use verbal abuse and stuff, and he tried to do the
pull-your-pants down thing and he's really messy and above all that he would
just come up to me and hug like "I love you" and I really want to scream at
him but I can't. I guess I need to tolerate him and thats probably what I'm
going to continue doing. He has his good points. Like he's such a heavy
sleeper so If I wake up early (which i always do) I can make as much noise
as I want.

k, to finish some work

Si Yan

LimClanStrummer blogged at 8:50 AM

RE: Tuesday

Hmmm...what's with the toothpaste all splattered on you? was it some weird BB-like Ze monster thing again?

And about the soccer, don't worry about it, even if people don't recognize you for your skills (and it's not easy on a pitch of 50 odd people), you will always be in our hearts as one of the best soccer players ever! Dont' lose self respect for yourself k? As long as you have self-respect, which comes from knowing God loves you and made you just the way you are, you'll always be strong!

I guess everyone has their bad days, i've had quite a few myself, i suppose just trust in God lor, there has to be a reason for everything that happens right? Anyway, today's QT was about
forgiving one another in order to draw back to God again, if anybody has done you any wrong (there must be quite a few where you are), never forget to forgive as you are forgiven.

Your homework is coming v.soon from your couz, and i'll try to mail you a surprise as well i guess :D well not much or a surprise but i'll try

Today was national day, now, wherever you are, don't forget your homeland in Singapore. And wherever you are on earth, don't forget your ultimate home in heaven!

I guess I'l sign off here with my shortest messages's kinda late 1 am plus. Anyway, check out know the skin is werid at the moment, but give it time k? :D

God Bless Ya


LimClanStrummer blogged at 8:48 AM


Hey tim,
I guess is quite bad of me to dump all my emotional baggage on you
but I will do so anyway. Today was screwed up at best. Starting from last
nite. I woke up at 12 to find toothpaste smeared over my face. then 15 mins
later, a secong time. I spent 45 mins i the morning clearing up the
toothpaste on the door and on the floor and everywhere. In creative writing
class, I was like non-existent (as usual). I don't usually volunteer to
comment or anything (though that might seem selfish here), so I pretty much
kept quiet unless she called me. Then I found out she was Irish and had this
irresistible urge to ask her whther she believed in leprechauns (i really
didnt know it was a racial slur). They day got screwier. After apologising
to her we had this debate in persuasive writing about the death penalty (how
cliche). Anyway I had to bring up the drug pusher gets death thing, so it
was the most used example throughout the debate. The more vocal guys there
seem to be in like Model UN ( the JMac thing) so they go through al the
protocol (like idiots). Then soccer sucked , cos although it was nice
astroturf, my knees are cut and there were like 50 ppl on the field. no one
passed to me so i played defender, and almost everytime i went up the other
team scored. I was quite sad cos I never got to show them my skills ( there
were better ppl, but i played like crap). I wanted to prove to them I'm not
some guy who cant play both soccer on xbox and real soccer. But then after
the ngame i realised theres nothing to prove and it really doesn't matter if
they leave summer challenge thinking i suck at both . It's fine with me i
guess. Then there was this dance thing at nite, where the ppl show their
true weirdo colours. there was this Banana girl (dressed up in a banana).
Trying to do work now

Si Yan

LimClanStrummer blogged at 8:46 AM

RE: Monday

Hi Ding,

lol like real me and arjun and...ok maybe daryl can lah...write better than you...haha. But that's a great boost for you in a way, glad to know that you're finally feeling a little joy in your circumstances. Haha...feel free to send me the stuff that you write so that i can have a whiff of it.

National Day today, you missed your Gold UYO award you were on the list :P. Anyway, we got quite badly reprimanded by Mr Ng, for coming 25 mintues late, which was mostly our fault but we were kinda all distracted that morning...sigh. Anyway, Apparently coz we were late, Mr Ng got publicly embarassed when Keith Tan scolded him in front of students...wah keith tan..who was making funny noises, Leon Lim noticed and he was repeating it over and over during the ceremony and driving us nuts.

Guess i shld update you a little on the happenings would make my posts more fun (haha because I am emailing ding, i will not have the time to blog.)

It was cross country a few days back, we got to serve at the milo van...but didn't get free milo...sigh. Anyway, was running alongside Ben Chan and others since Bong was like waaaaaaayyyy was the usual 3.2 km route, was quite a relaxing run actually. Haha...we were actually late for cross-country, playing soccer in the Astro field for like 2 hours before going off, and even after soccer i went down to the Admin room to find Bong playing Little fighter 2....and to help 2 girls get some container for their drinks (which was like super tiny i dunno what happened later...). We went to the bus stop to find Ben Chan there...apparently having missed five had half the mind to walk there.

ROD this saturday. A really really big day for all of us. There's Live Praise which God has so graciously allowed me to lead...of course alongside Emil...who ever since picking up guitar, really really wants to play guitar for live praise. Today was like the practice of Live Praise, which went horribly chaotic, no one was listening to each other, was so disappointed...but after some time, thank God it became much better when ppl started to focus on God and not on their own playing. Life changing experiences are about to happen, can just feel it....just today, spoke to Asher about our spiritual lives and stuff, and God gave the opportunity to talk to him and encourage him to draw back to God and closer to God (esp before the ROD worship day). You see, what is most important is the heart and not tne music or the ppl. We all have to prepare our hearts. Support us in prayer k? Pray for a God-filled Live Praise!

IOC coming up! Romeo and Juliet is quite tough indeed. Mdm Loo is coming back in a few weeks :D. National day is today. There's some new national day song..haha...but for comm. singing we stuck to the highly effective REach out for the skies!! of course with that weird MTV from last year as well :D. Tomorrow's a holiday, so maybe i can be online more! haha hope to see you. But till then. communicate by email lor :D

Regards, Tim


LimClanStrummer blogged at 8:44 AM


today was great. For this first class it was my turn to present a piece, so
i wrote about the beach thingy with that guy and some people actually liked
it . maybe i'll send it to you sometime soon. Then in the second
class,persuasive writing, they had to choose 2 essays (that we submitted on
friday)out of 4 and mine was one of the 4. it was like 1263 words, the
longest. than i convinced them that it was too long to be read out on the
final day so they ditched it.
Am i ever so glad. They seemed to think it was good when in reality arjun
and you and daryl and just about anyone else in our class can write much


LimClanStrummer blogged at 8:42 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

Monday, August 07, 2006


Hey Tim,

I dont really remember saying anything about your blog. I was just kind of
sad lar. And it hit hard in church today. like when they were singing the
chorus of "Above All" during the holy communion (of which i cannot partake),
I just started crying. the only problem was that i dont really know why i
was crying, like out of self-pity or cos I was really sad that i didnt stand
up for Him ...

i'm currently mentally stable.

I guess those guys were dissing the evangelist dude cos he was a bit off
also... but I dunno whther I could ever have his courage. So like if what he
said is a bit off, what they said about Jesus was quite hurtful too. I dunno
lar, I'm still hanging out with those people half the time. Maybe i'm being
Elijah-ish (like acting depressed, as if I'm the only one when theres 100s
of other Christians around).

Si Yan

LimClanStrummer blogged at 5:27 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Lessons From Daniel (Tim)

Hey Ding,

It happens sometimes i guess...we feel lonely, we feel helpless, we feel like we can't do anything about the circumstances around us. We try to stand up, but the world around us causes us to fall apart, we try to stand up for what's right, only to be bogged down again. I guess Daniel was caught in a similar situation, away in the midst of Babylonians after Judah's exile, he was asked to eat the food offered to Babylonian gods, ordered to bow down and worship the golden image of Nebuchadnezzar. But he stood firm.

The whole book of Daniel, especially the part on his life, is a good reminder to those in the midst of 'impurity' to always stay pure, friends are also especially important in helping you do so. Daniel had his three friends to stand by him and together they stood up against the conventions, and depended on God for deliverance. Recall the burning furnace, recall the lion's den. Because Daniel and friends held firmly to God, God held firmly to them as well.

I wish i could be there to give you support, to be by your side, to be a listening ear, to go through thick and thin with you...but it wouldn't be possible, not in the present circumstances, separated by a gulf of land and ocean, i can only hope to pray for you, and to pray that God will provide you those friends and family to help you through the tough times. God transcends all the distance between us, anytime you feel alone or helpless, recall that song that i sent to you the other day. "Did you ever talk to God above?". Of course, if anytime you need an earthly voice to relate your problems to, give me or maybe fab a ring over msn. We'll always be there for you, if not in a physical sense then in spiritual sense.

As for those people around you, those smokers and all, i pray that you will stay pure in the midst of them, yet still being able to impact them in some way or other. Is there a general disregard for anything religious there? Even so, be confident when you speak of God's word, as long as you do it with the right heart, with the right intentions, i'm sure God will make a way. Fellowship is important though, get to know people first then talk about things, the fact that you're running into such sticky situations (like the muslim guys 'preaching') is a sign that God is creating opportunities for you to step in. Remember, when faced with giant situations, we may sometimes feel like tiny grasshoppers, but there's nothing to fear if God's on our side. David defeated Goliath with that step of faith. of my spiritual gifts (did a test before) was faith, another was encouragement. I thank God that He has allowed me to exercise these gifts through encouraging you and encouraging you to trust in God. Let's hope He gives you chance to exercise your gifts as well. In all honestly, your gifts are that of never stopped listening when ppl needed someone to talk to.

haha...sorry if my posts are getting more philosophical and less informal. Not sure which type of mail you prefer....but occasionally, typing like this does make more sense and does serve to encourage you better... of course i will revert to the previous style if you want lor :D

God Bless. do reply. Sorry i can't go on msn liao :(

TimLim (LimClanStrummer) :)

LimClanStrummer blogged at 7:34 AM

RE: Did you ever talk to God above?

Hey Tim,

More news. Today we went to the beach and I'm gonna get sick from all the
playing in the sun. I drank like 4 litres of water throughout the whole time
at the beach. On the way back, this guy who was spreading the gospel was
trying to talk to the other kids about Salvation and all. Unfortunately he
looked a little funny, and was saying stuff like allah is a moon god and
stuff that are mis-interpretations - muslim flag over white house in 2010.
They were all trying to get mroe of his tracks to laugh at and they were
talking about it all over the bus. The thing was that very little of the
stuff was actually bible based, but most stuff was interpretation and
illustration and mis-interpretation. I was quite like a mouse until I
quietly told one guy that i knew that most of the stuff was untrue but the
messgae was true and he sort just said it was all crap... which it actually
did look like.

I dunno lar. These were the people I was trying to hang out with but now I
don't really feel that anymore. Sigh.


LimClanStrummer blogged at 7:33 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

Saturday, August 05, 2006

RE: Did you ever talk to God above?

Oh yeah, it was a reply mail, cos i was lazy to type your address, so i
picked the last mail "you" sent. As i said, the person ive talked to most is
kyle; his roomate has been sleeping in our room in the past 2 nites. hes not
really proud of being gay, but takes offense if you like say something is

I've been on some ups and downs... the ups iss when the teachers are really
generous with comments... especially about the one i wrote about Jerrold
Yam, they overpraise i guess. The part that gets me down is usually in the
afternoon when i'm alone and stuff. its like being emo a bit i guess.

i've been praying for them, myself, you ppl in Singapore, yeah, and like you
were saying something abt not being friends with them if it leads me to
smoking, but I won't smoke and its like if i stay away they may never know
the gospel (well not that im actually talking about it).

So im fine really (pardon the bad grammar and punctuation)


LimClanStrummer blogged at 9:10 AM

RE: frenz 4eva

So you ask me to make friends...

Theres my roommate , fahad, the kuwaiti-who -spends-summer-in-atlanta. He
smokes, makes fun of kyle. And hangs out with most ppl but just drifts

Theres alex, from next door, roommates with kyle, who is a bit into cigars.
he plays an awesome guitar, but hes a drifter too hanging out with like
everybody. he's more successful than fahad

Kyle's gay and my parents don't want me spending too much time with him
although i don't mind

theres the all white group who play fifa world cup on the xbox in their
room. I dont think they really want me hanging around although sometimes
they dont seem to mind

theres junichi, new jersey, from my second class, hes got some sense of
humour, looks fine to me, a little david chan-ish though

theres the german and italian guy all the girls go gagag over but i cant
really get into their circle, their too popular anw. theyre in my second

In my first class, the girls dont really talk to me. Theres Barth, an indian
guy who's quite friendly. vince, an american seems nice but we're not close.

In the secong class, theres steve, an asian american i think. but he's
quiet. I try to act quiet too.

most ppl here use offensive lang

i dont mind hanging out with them but its a waste of time and when i dont
its lonely. then theres kyle with whom ive spent about 2 hrs 1 nite talking.
So, easy to make friends?

Si Yan

LimClanStrummer blogged at 9:09 AM

RE: Long Time no see. From Ding

Hey Tim,

Sry abt taoing you on msn... got an overload on the connection (like 5 dif
windows + the geog stuff). And that doesn't usually happen. I kinda realised
the schedule back home must be quite teruk... other IB syposium and youth
day its been quite xiong. Fab sounds real distressed. i've been surfing
blogs quite a bit
(ians rants... fabs stuff and your rather wordy ones and others). Sean does
it and thinks i should.

My usually days like wake up at around 8 , do qt, breakfast, then msn and
play until like 11 before helping my mum with lunch. Then its piano and
maybe reading stuff from the library while playing sudoku or some matchstick
game before evening when my dad comes back and we go out shopping or

my parents apparently pushed us up one grade... the school doesnt really
care as we won't be pulling the results down by taking an exam. So its 11th
grade for me. can't really judge the standards here though i'm quite sure
our maths is like their grade 12 equivalent (or is it equilavent).

Feeling quite detached from BB. Its like ok, things have changed, so what
can I do when I come back? I was quite non-commital when Mr Sim asked
whether I would stay on next year and I'm wondering about that too. I knows
theres lots more I can learn in BB... + friends but I guess we'll wait and
see. Don't worry, I'm not wallowing in self pity.

Out here you sort of get the idea you are wasting time.. its like theres so
much more i could be doing back in school... i guess wasting has been a
paranoia of i used to cry when i run and miss the train at
Outram Park. but the feeling starts to go away after a while. During the
lessons when the guy goes thru some differentiation which we have done I
sort of just switch off and when he does new stuff i turn myself on again.
There was one part in which he explained kinematics in calculus. I was like
wow.. I must tell tim... until I realised on the phone that you knew it long
ago... but it was fun while it lasted i guess.


LimClanStrummer blogged at 9:09 AM

RE: Your Weekly Hi!

Hi Tim,

I doubt there will be a next blog. I'm just trying to chiong my chinese now
( i dunno why). Just back from seattle so lots of other work to do. I'll
continue to pray for you and take your suggestions.
Can't stop slacking.. so i'd best get to work

bye now,

LimClanStrummer blogged at 9:08 AM

RE: Hi Ding from Boston!


Not meeting you on msn is probably cos you dont come online in the morning
(when im usually online) and my not coming on in the morning also (when you
might be online). Not that it really makes a diff, ESP SINCE SOMEBODY ALWAYS
TAOS, but anw, cos of overcrowding here, (dad, mum, sis, me ,bro to 1 com),
my time on the net is real short.Thanks for praying, actually lots of stuff
happened and i wanted to write it down in a blog except I forgot them mostly
when i had time to write, so, yeah, it hardly materialised. Dunce, know lar,
but i've been dreaming abt ppl back in S'pore every nite. Yeah, time is
short so ttyl.

Si Yan

LimClanStrummer blogged at 8:23 AM

Two roads diverged,and I-
took the one less taken...

About Me

A collection of emails sent to and fro between Ding and friends
In his six month absence
Encouragments, Love, shuttled back and forth
For the sake of memories...

Walk and Talk

Taggy board here

Other Roads


The Trodden Road

~August 2006~
~September 2006~

Fonts (Dobkin)
Main Pic

Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)

Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities